Saturday, May 9, 2020

Prayers points For Success In Exams

Prayers points For Success In Exams Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Success is every belevers birth right. It is God’s will that all His Chldren enjoy good success. Today we shall be engaging prayers for success in exams. This prayers is suitable for students writing academic exams like WASSCE, JAMB, SAT,TOEFL, GCE, Medical exams, Chartered Accounting exams, or any other professional examinations both local and foreign. With God on your side, there is no examination that you cannot pass, there is no subject that you cannot understand. This prayers for success in exams shall open your mental understanding and guide you to super success in your exams in Jesus name. Why Do I Need To Pray For Success In Exams? Prayers for success in exams is not a substitute for studying and preparing for your exams. Prayers without studying will be a very irresponsible thing to do. The word of God is strictly against laziness. However why we pray is because the race is not to the swift, neither is the battle to the strong (See Ecclesiastes 9:11), it is not of Him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but its of God that showeth mercy ( See Romans 9:16 ). This simply means that, eventhough we have prepared for our exams, we still depend on God to see us through. Alot of people have written well in many professional exams, only for their scripts to be missing in the course of marking. Some have written well in an exam, only to have their examination centre cancelled. Alot of things can happen that is beyond our control in any exams, that is why we must depend on God. Benefits Of Praying For Exams Success There are many benefits for praying for success in your exams, but i am going to just mention 3 of them. 1) Spiritual Covering: When you engage in prayers for success in exams, you are spiritually covered. No devil can manipulate your mind before, during and after the exams. As a pastor, i have seen cases of people going mad, just before there examinations, this are spiritual arrows sent to frustrate such an individual. But when you commit your exams into the hand of God, No devil will be able to obstruct your success. 2) Super Retention: When you pray for success in your exams, the Holy Spirit helps you to retain all that you have read. One of the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to bring to our remembrance all what we have been taught. John 14:26. You must ask the Holy Spirit to remind you all that you have been taught and all that you have read. However, the Holy spirit will only remind you of what you have been taught and what you have read, therefore you must be committed to studying and reading, to maximise the power of the Holy Spirit. 3). Declare Your Success: Yes, you must boldly command your success in prayers. Mark 11:23-34, tells us that we can have what we say. Therefore if you want to see success in your exams, you must declare them and as you do so in prayers, you shall emerge in flying colours in Jesus name. My prayer for you today is this, as you engage this prayers for success in exams, you shall never lack success in Jesus name. The mighty hand of God will guide you through your examination and you will come out with flying colours in jesus name. Pray this prayers in faith and expect your success in exams in Jesus name. PRAYERS 1. Father, I thank you for the previlege to write this examinations today in Jesus name 2. Father, I committ this examination (Mention The Name Of The Examination) into your hands in Jesus name. 3. Father, I declare that all through this exams, no subject shall be too strong for me in Jesus name 4. I declare today that i have the wisdom of Christ, therefore, i understand all subjects in Jesus name 5. Sweet Holy Spirit, Guide me as i study for this exams in jesus name 6. Dear Holy Spirit, bring to my rememnrance everything i have read and that i have been taught in Jesus name 7. Father, let your favour be with me all through this exams in Jesus name, 8. . Father, I thank you for you are the God that gives power to succeed in Jesus name 9. Father, I thank you for the wisdom of Christ which is at work in me in Jesus name 10. Father I declare that I shall not fail in this exams in Jesus name 11. No matter how tough this examnaton is, I shall succeed sweatlessly in jesus amen 12. I declare that no mountain is strong enough to withstand me in Jesus name 13. I declare null and void every plans of the enemy to bring me down in ths exams in Jesus name 14. I declare that the favour of God that brings success shall give you great success in Jesus name 15. I reject setback in my life in Jesus name 16. I reject failure in my life in Jesus name 17. Father,order my steps in your word in Jesus name 18. Father, I declare today that because Jesus is my shepherd, I shall never lack direction n my studies again in Jesus name 19. Father, order my steps to the right topics and at the right time in Jesus name 20. Father, thank you for blessing me with great wisdom 21. Father, let your wisdom guide me in my day to say activities in Jesus name 22. Father, engrave me with the spirit of wisdom as I run the race of life in Jesus name 23. Let wisdom be seen in my daily activities in Jesus name 24. Father, grant me wisdom in how I relate with people daily in Jesus nam 25. Father, grant me wisdom in relating to my spouse in Jesus name 26. Father, grant me wisdom in relating to my children in jesus name 27. Father grant me wisdom in dealing with my boss in the office in Jesus name 28. Father , grant me wisdom in dealing with my subordinates in Jesus name 29. Father, thank you for enduing me with supernatural wisdom in Jesus name. 30. Father,thank you for answers to my prayers .

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